About Me

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I'm a fun loving woman, who enjoys writing what she feels, what she sees, and anything that interests her. I am a big fan of the unusual and I enjoy hearing about anything unusual. I always venture to find the out of the ordinary! I also want you to know that you are far from the usual... So be free and creative!

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Invisible Sanctuary

I was playing tag with Satan but no one ever told me that evil continues baitin', just waitin' hopin to catch you, like the guppy you are.
So far, from the surface, so far away from the sky, you keep on fallin' just to be wishin' that you could be taken high-er
Flyer than an angel up to the kingdom, to be whisped away by the seasons.
But then you always keep on tryin' to find the reason, why you even committed such treason.
The light offers you a hand but you push him away, you look towards the dark, open arms. This is where you disembark, on your adventure.
You search for the soul quencher, the reason why you'd rather not take your place in the sky where the others are keeping your bench warm-er, how you seem to think you can't be smarter.
The voice just tells you that he will fix it, but you think it is easier to take it in your own hands, but where does that get you except a lower hand.
You need not to believe, you just need to know where your good merits lead.
Those who are intelligent enough, should know that you need to continue living good even when the times get rough.
Believe what you want, don't let others taunt.
But remember that the art of living, is looking in the mirror and forgiving...

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