About Me

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I'm a fun loving woman, who enjoys writing what she feels, what she sees, and anything that interests her. I am a big fan of the unusual and I enjoy hearing about anything unusual. I always venture to find the out of the ordinary! I also want you to know that you are far from the usual... So be free and creative!

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Welcome Welcome! :)

First blog I've ever had really excited to post my work up on here. I am in the process of getting rid of my Facebook so I thought this would be a good transition to share all my writing with people. My writing is serious, sometimes funny and sometimes something that will make you think. So I hope you all enjoy! And that I can get you all thinking with your "Brain Matter."

1 comment:

  1. I love this idea and I LOVE your entry paragraph! Excited to see what's to come :)
